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Insights Determining the Right Cloud Platform for Legacy Migration
Legacy to Cloud Migration

Determining the Right Cloud Platform for Legacy Migration

SID Global Solutions

23 January 2023

Determining the Right Cloud Platform for Legacy Migration


Migrating to the cloud is becoming increasingly popular for businesses of all sizes. With the cloud’s scalability, flexibility, and cost savings, it makes sense for companies to take advantage of the cloud’s benefits. However, migrating legacy applications and systems to the cloud can be a daunting task. It’s important to research and understand the different cloud platforms available and determine which is the best fit for your business. 

Things to consider while determining the cloud platform for Legacy Migration

Before you make a decision, consider some of the key factors that should be taken into account when determining the right cloud platform for legacy migration. 

  1. Application and Infrastructure Requirements: The primary goal of legacy migration is to move legacy applications and infrastructure to the cloud. It’s important to assess the current applications and infrastructure and determine which cloud platform is best suited for the migration. Consider the types of applications and infrastructure that need to be migrated, and make sure the chosen cloud platform can accommodate them. 
  2. Security: Security is a major concern when migrating to the cloud. Determine the security requirements of the applications and infrastructure before selecting a cloud platform. Make sure the platform provides the necessary level of security and can protect the migrated data and applications. 
  3. Cost: Cost is always a factor when selecting a cloud platform. The cost of a cloud platform can vary significantly, so it’s important to understand the pricing structure and compare the different options. Also, consider the long-term cost savings that can be achieved by migrating to the cloud. 
  4. Support: Make sure the chosen cloud platform offers the necessary level of support. Consider the type of support services provided, such as 24/7 customer service, technical assistance, and training. Also, determine the level of expertise of the support team, and make sure the platform can provide the necessary level of service. 
  5. Scalability: Scalability is essential for legacy migration. Make sure the chosen cloud platform can scale up and down as needed and can handle the demands of the migrated applications and infrastructure.


By taking the time to understand the different cloud platforms available, businesses can make the best decision for their legacy migration. By considering the factors mentioned above, businesses can select the right cloud platform for their specific needs and ensure a successful legacy migration.

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